Anal Glands

Bathed brownie and emptied his anal glands.

I was pretty shocked that it came out pasty. But i am certain i clear it all.

Used to tried squeezing them but nothing came out. Today, it came out pasty.

Poor brownie is hurting badly at his bottom. LOL~!

But I am glad i emptied it tonight. 🙂

Why the fluid accumulates in his anal glands?

Dr Dan mentioned that as the pet defecates, the anal sphincter squeezes the sacs against the hard passing feces and causes the anal secretion to discharge onto the fecal mass. In olden times, this was used to mark a unique scent on the BM. It was like a sign-post used to communicate with the other dogs and cats.

Dr Dan’s idea of why modern pets have so many problems with their anal glands is that the feces are just not hard enough. In ancient times, dogs and cats ate large quantities of meat and bone making their feces the consistency of concrete. Now, we feed diets with vegetable protein as the main ingredient. This produces a much softer stool so there is nothing for the glands to be squeezed against. The secretions build up and the pet has problems.