Missing Link Response

—–Original Message—–
From: Karen Frick
To: Sharon Y.
Subject: Re: Synthetic food? – RESPONSE FROM DESIGNING HEALTH
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 15:20:03 -0700

Hello Sharon

Thank you for your interest in our wonderful Missing Link products and for contacting Designing Health. I hope the following information will be helpful for you.

>> However, a friend mentioned that Missing Link is a synthetic food – man made supplement. Is that true?

No. Unfortunately, your friend has conveyed an inaccurate description of the Missing Link by suggesting it is a synthetic food.

* The Missing Link Formulas, as well as all of our products for people, are all-natural Superfood Supplements. Our formulations are made strictly with the highest quality, human-edible, whole foods and whole food concentrates.

* The ingredients have been carefully chosen for their nutrient profile and synergistic effects. The product is in the form of a granular powder that is easily sprinkled on regular food.

* The raw materials that we use in our Missing Link animal products (and the Omega 3 Basic products for people) are of the highest quality, human edible ingredients.

* The raw ingredients are free from extraneous material, preservatives, and dangerous chemicals.

* We do not add fillers, preservatives, or chemicals of any kind to our formulas.

* There is no presence of hazardous heavy metals, cyanogenic glucosides, herbicides or pesticides.

* Our products are microbiologically safe and free of pathogen bacteria.

* Our processing and packaging of the product are done with great care to ensure our customers get these wonderful nutrients exactly the way “Mother Nature” intended – not “cooked,” preserved, or otherwise altered by exposure to light and oxygen (air).

* Pet food labeling is regulated at two levels. The FDA regulations require proper identification of the product, net quantity statement, name and place of business of the manufacturer or distributor, and a proper listing of all the ingredients in order from most to least, based on weight. The Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO), the governmental agency charged with the responsibility in enforcing the laws regulating the production, labeling, distribution, or sale of animal feeds or livestock remedies, also inspects and regulates our animal products.

* Therefore, our product labels are required by law to state all ingredients contained in the formulations.

* The Missing Link is not a synthetic food, nor does it contain any “synthetic” ingredients.

>> If it is, is it harmful?

No. As stated, the Missing Link is all-natural and completely safe.

* The primary focus of all of our Missing Link Formulas is the benefit that your pets can derive from the omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acids.

* Our products are not a pet food per se, nor are they vitamin/mineral supplements.

* They are wonderful all-natural dietary supplements that are an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fiber as well as the essential fatty acids. These essential fatty acids (omega 3 and 6) are necessary for the absorption of fat soluble vitamins.

* Along with the other nutrients in our supplements, they help increase energy and strongly support the digestive and the immune systems.

* As you are probably already aware, it is necessary that the digestive system be healthy, otherwise no matter what doses of vitamins, minerals, or medications are given, they will not be absorbed effectively.

* Vitamin/mineral supplements in general do not contain such nutrient and non-nutrient items.

* Because Missing Link products are formulated using whole food and food concentrates, there is no danger of “oversupplementation,” which may be a precaution needed for some vitamin/mineral products.

* The vitamins/minerals in our products are naturally occurring and are generally present in trace amounts. We do not add vitamins, minerals, other additives or preservatives to our products.

* The enzymes in our products are also naturally occurring.

* The combination of the all-natural ingredients in our formulas, including dietary fiber, works to clean the animal’s digestive system and helps it to work more efficiently and effectively.

>> How is Missing Link different from Pat Mckay supplements, eg. Animal life, calcium plus?

As far as the relative merits of other products are concerned, I can only honestly address questions regarding the benefits of using our Missing Link Formulas. As a general rule, our company philosophy is to neither endorse nor attempt to discredit any other products available on the market. If you wish to form your own comparison with the Missing Link, may I suggest you contact the other manufacturer directly to obtain information regarding the merits and use of their products.

We do have literally many hundreds and hundreds of satisfied customers who have seen excellent results on their companion pets using our Missing Link Formulas. People all over the country who have healthy dogs and cats, as well as those who have pets with health issues, tell us daily about the terrific dietary and nutritional benefits their animals have gotten through the use of our products.

For more detailed information about the ingredients in our Formulas, may I suggest you visit the Scientific Corner, Ingredients Glossary, at our Designing Health web site:


I hope that this will provide you with the information you were seeking concerning the Missing Link. Should you have any additional questions or if I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Again, thank you for your interest in the Missing Link and for contacting Designing Health.

Best Regards,
Karen Frick
Administrative Assistant
Designing Health, Inc.

Phone 800-774-7387, Ext. 534
FAX: 800-891-6113

Be Sure to Check Out Our Web Site: www.designinghealth.com