Nuts Sticks

Recently, less than a month, i bought a box of nuts sticks (contain 2 sticks) for mousies.

I gave mousies the first stick, they really love it. Took several days and they just finished it. *Contented*

I have *not* seen any of my nuts/fruits sticks being gobbled up to it’s wooden stick before! But i have seen those being pee-ed on, poop-ed on by the hamsters (both syrians and ww). Very upsetting.

Today, just gave them a new nuts stick. Mousies jumped on it and started their feast! It’s really enjoyable to watch them eat so heartily and happily. 🙂

New MiniBlack is adapting great too. She’s very adorable and friendly. I hope to train her to be just as friendly as Monkey & Moo Moo. This way, i will dote her more. Kekee.

MarshMallow is quite tame and friendly too. But not all the time. I hope as she grows older, she will mellow down.

The more naughty is Minnie! Terrible girl! Hops like a kangaroo when i try to carry her. *Determine to tame her down.*


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