
I am thinking of socialising Brownie. Being a chihuahua doesn’t make it easier. He’s very defensive and wary of other dogs and humans around him.

But when he knows the strangers and sniffs them for a bit longer, he will accept them. However, I would remind the strangers not to touch him or pat him or have any contact with him when he’s exploring them.

For instance, when my uncles and aunties come over for visit the very first time, Brownie was soooo nervous and defensive. He kept barking at them. I didn’t tie him up though. He was busy jumping on them and trying to sniff them out.

I constantly remind my relatives NOT to touch him, but just call out his name. Even when Brownie seems at ease with them, i was worried he might snap. I might be too cautious, but it was for safety sake. I didn’t want any damange done.

Then maybe about half an hour or so, Brownie will just jump onto their laps and sit. This is when he has accepted them.

Being his owner, i know his behavior inside-out. Seeing that he isn’t that friendly and very defensive, worries me. And being a Chihuahua really doesn’t make matter easier. It is in them to be this defensive and more wary of strangers. It will take time for him to adjust.

I am thinking of bringing him to Bishan parks for runs and socialising.

I constantly remind anyone who visits my house to IGNORE him. He might keep jumping on you and barking. It might frighten some visitors. But if they just ignore him, and just keep walking, he will be fine. And of course, call out his name. =)

I wish to bring him to a friend’s house, but i realised that there are always quite a big bunch of friends around. I am worried.

If it is only 3 to 4 humans around i think it would still be quite ok. But i am not too sure. And i don’t want him to mess people’s house up. LOL!

Sometimes, saying to bring him out to social is easy. But when it is time to really interact and trying to socialise with another human, it is tough. The process is tough.

It is not neccessary to put Brownie through this agony if he doesn’t like it. But I thought i might wish to try it out first, then i will decide.

There are quite a lot of times, i bring him down for walks. But he doesn’t really care to explore. And worse… he hates kids and birds!

We had birds flying into our kitchen and STOLE our food! Brownie regards those stuffs on the table HIS! He still remembers the incident and hates them to the core! Sigh!

Children… they bullied him when he’s a baby. Sigh!

Will see how… will see how.


Naughty boy.


4 responses to “Brownie”

  1. hamhams Avatar

    told u join us liao…its not as if we have a big grp of humans mayb 3, 4. but dogs shd b more MUAHAHAHA

  2. Sharon Avatar

    Kekee. Will try. It’s the humans i worry for, not the dogs.

  3. hamhams Avatar

    told u join us liao…its not as if we have a big grp of humans mayb 3, 4. but dogs shd b more MUAHAHAHA

  4. Sharon Avatar

    Kekee. Will try. It’s the humans i worry for, not the dogs.

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