*Heave a sigh of tireness*

Exams really really nearing. I have read and studied for a real long long time. Very exhuasted and sleepy.

Less than 2 days’ time, i will be taking exams.

One moment, i wish the exams come real soon. Another moment, i dread the exams, and hope it’s further away, so that i could study more.

Anyways, just study, do my best, write loads of meaningful craps ( craps got meaningful or not ah? ), and stay CALM.

After exams, go see house show room.

19th’s mommy’s birthday.

21st, i go check up.

During the next week, time to rush some long overdue stuffs (both work stuffs and leisure).

Go Jason’s house to stay. See PILs. They long time no see me, i long time no see them.

Hope to buy mousies at Serangoon North.

Go Bird Park.

Get my list of friends ready.

So many things.


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