Exams Day Update – 18th June 2004

Overall, i think the exam is fine. Do-able. But still the final decision is on the markers.

After exams, went to Kinokuniya to buy books.

Then Jason brought me to Serangoon North to buy my mouse. I bought 2!

During the journey there, was horrendous! The jam was bad. We lost our ways. And very frustrating throughout the journey, cos every taxi was trying to cut into your lane, and so prone to accidents.

Driving on the road at such congested timing is really bad for mental health. And all sorts of weird drivers will pop out from no-where.

Anyways, back to my mousies. I got 2 pretty ones. One of them is a dove. The other, i am suspecting like a Tort? Ain’t too sure.

Then Jason also bought me a much much bigger tank for them! Hehee. He said, 9 mousies is a lot. Cannot stay in that competition tank. So he got me a bigger one. And he added, with bigger tank, can buy more. 😀 😀


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