Mommy’s Birthday

Bro went to buy the cake.

Jason came over.

Celebrated in the late afternoon.

I gave mommy her book at 12.30am, 19th June 2004. 🙂

Then Mommy, Jason and I went to visit granny. Brought her to Kenny Roger for our dinner.

Ate till very full!

Then we went Borders Book Store.


I found the dog training book that i wanted! LOL~! After exams, still read books! I am mad!

Borders close at 11pm, so we went to the coffee bean and sat down and read our books till about 1am.

Then went Jason’s house. Haven’t seen his parents for almost one month!

Got home rest a bit, showered.

Then we watch movie at about 2+ am. The Sphere.

Watched till almost 5am.



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