Card from Jason

Very nice of Jason to send me an early e-card, and be the FIRST person to congrate me.

After all these 3 years, he brought me to all my exams, except for once, as he’s outstationed at Europe (if i remember rightly).

After all these 3 years, he brought me to submit all my assignments without fail.

After all these 3 years, he encouraged + scolded me to motivate me.

After all these 3 years, he tried to amend some of my modules which he knows how to. (BUT! still scold me for relying on him to edit and proof-read. Hehe.)

I want to clear all my 3 papers this semester too, and make it my LAST semester!

And I shall graduate with my Bachelors finally!

And I can take graduation photos with all my family!


4 responses to “Card from Jason”

  1. yeap u finally endured to now, juz 3 more papers u b done! keep swimming!!!!!!

  2. Thanks thanks! I swim till very tired. Lost count of the number of assignments I have done, lost count of many things pursuing this degree.

    Really not easy.

    Surprised to see your name here. I didn’t know the adding comment is enabled. LOL.

  3. yeap u finally endured to now, juz 3 more papers u b done! keep swimming!!!!!!

  4. Thanks thanks! I swim till very tired. Lost count of the number of assignments I have done, lost count of many things pursuing this degree.

    Really not easy.

    Surprised to see your name here. I didn’t know the adding comment is enabled. LOL.

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