Is it a journal, diary, or a blog?

A diary is a record of one’s day, life, and innermost thoughts. Often entries are records of one’s day, how people reacted to events, and your thoughts on those reactions. These often contain minute details of a particular instance where writing about the event takes longer than the event lasted.

Diaries are not driven by a purpose, and they do not strive towards reaching a specific goal.

It is common for people to call their writing a diary, when in actuality, it is a journal as they have a goal for their diary. The most common types of journal-diaries are mental cleansing and chronicling a lifetime.

A journal is a personal record of events and thoughts. Often, journals are associated with themes or journal types such as a dream journal, goal journal, or baby journal. Each journal is usually based around a theme, and often people will keep more than one journal. There is also the catch all general journal which is a record of just about everything and anything you wish to include in your journal.

The major themes of journaling are: discovery of inner self, improved creativity, haven from the outside world, logging life events, problem solving, organization, and emotional perspective.

Journaling is also associated with self-improvement. The purpose of a goal journal is to reach a specific goal, no matter it be weight loss or finishing your novel. Each type of journal has a purpose and is a record of a personal journey.

Blog is short for weblog. The weblog did not exist before the internet, and it is a relatively new phenomena.

In most instances, blogs are a person’s thoughts on a particular subject. Some blogs are themed and stick to one subject at all times, whereas most are spur of the moment entries about a recent event and the person’s interpretation and thoughts on that event.

Private, intimate thoughts are not revealed in a blog, it is a record of opinions.

Blogs are often collected in web communities, and have developed their own lingo for many terms.

The Differences in Brief
If you want to vent, write about your day, or put an event on paper, you are keeping a diary.

If you are writing with a goal in mind, or your writing has a specific purpose, then you are journaling.

If you host your log on the internet, and are writing about your opinion and not intimate details, then you are blogging.

An online diary is the same as a diary, but a record is kept on the net.


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