Granny & Some Thoughts

Granny’s getting weaker. She doesn’t really have much strength. I am not sure, if she’s worried of moving thus, not using any strength or she’s really weak.

Many times, when there are a few of us around her, she does things like walking, standing up with much confidence. Without us, she’s like wobbly and worried.

I know she’s worried she might fall again, however, it’s not a good thing not to move her legs, and move her muscles. They will just stiffen up and end up she might not be able to use them.

For instance, when she goes toilet, she can sit on my bed trying to get up/out of the bed. She’s able to do it with both hands and legs strength. However, she’s not using the leg’s strength to move/stand. Only using her hands to PUSH herself UP from the bed. Amazing? How is she able to do that? Not able to at all! That’s why she can end up sitting on the bed trying 10-15 minutes just to get up!

It’s not easy to take care of an elderly, especially a very old one. Anyone who thinks like it’s the younger ones/people who are impatient, not caring, etc. You come and take care and show me your kinda patience and caring then.

Do you go toilet with an elderly to help them and wait for them together in the toilet while they defecate?

Have you prepare toilet papers for someone to wipe and also look into the bowl to see if the poop are being pooped? Why do this? Cos old people don’t even know at times if they have pooped. Just like a baby.

Do you look at the person wiping butt and look at the tissue if she has cleaned the right area? And not make sure she doesn’t OVERTURN the soiled toilet paper to wipe again?

There are countless of incidents.

Those who haven’t taken care of old people, will never understand the frustration within.

These incidents are daily basis. And a few times PER day. It’s not easy.

I still take care of my granny. Not only because she’ my granny, but because it’s my responsibility and also a normal human’s reaction.

I always encourage the younger generations like myself to endure and bear with it. Because i realise not many young people deal with older people/grandparents, except their own parents.

I have a big soft spot for elderlys. I feel they are helpless when they are especially too old to take care of themselves.

I must say i am very fortunate to have the chance to take care of a very very old elderly – my granny.

Not many people have such a chance to do so, and/or want this kind of chance.

Throughout these years of taking care of her, i learn to be more patient, caring, and how to endure some of the harder times. It’s really a mind manipulation thing.

I also learn to treasure. Treasure whatever is available now. I do not want to regret when anything is gone on Earth.

Been to hospital for the past 3 mths or so. And the ward are for elderly people. Seen so many families with different backgrounds.

Some all lonely, with seriously occassional visits. 🙁

Some with full families and children and grandchildren visiting.

Some with only their children to visit them. Grandchildren didn’t visit. Why? I have no idea. But some guesses, might be not free, no time, place too dirty, etc.

There will never be a right time to do something that one doesn’t like. Am i right?

How i know all these? My mom, jason and I have been practically going to hospital almost daily for the past 3 months or so in CGH. My mom’s more hardcore. She goes in the afternoon 12-2pm, and also in the evening 5pm – 8pm. Jason and myself are usually there in the evening.

We interact with other grannies. Help them with their needs!! Wash their teeth, take their food, take their water bottle, wash their face towels, and more!! I often ask myself, “Where are their family members!? Why are they so cruel?”

I understand it’s not easy to take care of an elderly, i am also going through that, but how can they NOT even care?!

No filial piety? Busy? No time? Don’t care? Overtime? Too late to visit?

There will never be a right time to do something that one doesn’t like.

In future, their children/grandchildren will learn from their behavior/teachings and do the same upon them.

Karma will come. What goes around, comes around.

No, i am not Saint, nor am i that perfect. I make mistakes, i vent anger, i scream, i burst, i break down, i fall – just like any humans. But i try to do my best, not to abandon her and do whatever i can.

Conscience are clear.


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