Happy Teacher’s Day

There are many teachers who are dedicated and passionated about their job and towards children. It is even more admirable that a young graduate gets her first full time job with a childcare centre, when she could have opt for a teaching position in a primary school.

To me, teaching in a childcare centre is no easy feat. It is different from kindergarten or primary school or secondary schools.

A childcare centre not only teaches the children, the teachers also need to see to the children’s needs, like showering, mealtime, potty, pee and even at times to be a substitute mother, nannying them.

Now that Bond is in kindergarten, he no longer enjoys the extreme freedom and tolerance he gets at childcare. I must say that the childcare teachers are the ones who built his confidence in going to school and enjoying school. Leaving the childcare is a very hard decision for me. It was harder for me to let go than it was for Bond. Maybe Bond is too young to comprehend as he still asks to find his friends in childcare.

He has since adjusted to his kindergarten and is enjoying his time there. He is liking the teachers as well.

I am grateful to the many teachers who have come into Bond’s life.

Happy Teacher’s Day.


2 responses to “Happy Teacher’s Day”

  1. Hi Sharon,
    You are so right to say that teaching young children is tough. Teachers in childcare or preschools need to be loving and extremely sensitive to a growing preschooler needs, which is many.

    1. Hello Rachel,
      I feel teachers in childcare or preschools are able to bond better with children.
      By the way, love your craft works! I am a craft lover too. Very happy to know you.

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