Art & Craft



Bond has always been keen in trying art and crafts. He has been reminding me to let him attend art class. I am hesitant in sending him because I feel he might be a bit young.

Nonetheless I brought him to an art class for a trial. Initially Bond needed a bit cajoling as he was shy. But once he got over that, he absolutely loves the experience and wanted more. He actually paid attention and did his part to color when the teacher told him so. He also enjoyed the companies of all the much older children around him. Bond communicates with them well and comprehends their conversations.

The problem was, the art class was actually mention for children at least 5 years of age. Although the teacher was kind to accept his enrolment, she did mention he may not be able to learn much as he is the youngest there and wouldn’t be able to follow. And also Bond wanted me to accompany him during lesson time. While the teacher does not mind, she worries the concerns of other parents.

Once he is much older, i will consider art class again for him. In the meantime, he can do art with me.







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