End of Exams

Had my last paper today – Emarketing. Got me stumped, but still attempt the questions.

Answered one question pretty silly.

Asked for “3 budgeting options”, and I don’t know what’s the answer. But rather than leaving the whole question empty, I just put in crappy options : small scale budgeting, medium scale budgeting and large scale budgeting.

And I gave lots of craps explaining those 3 points in relevence to another question (small information web site, large e-commerce web site and medium cybercummunity web site).

Jason burst out in laughter after he knew about the crappy options I gave. And we were teasing like should have put in “downsize budgeting, regular budgeting, and upsize budgeting”.

It’s great exams over. Now relax and enjoy the time I have. Think exams will be out on the 26th Jan. So fast.


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