BitBoy’s Tomb

Sadly, BitBoy’s tomb was a bit destroyed.

Not by cats, not by crows, not by dogs. It’s by Malay boys! Idiots!

BitBoy’s tomb was placed with 3 bricks, filled with wet soiled when it’s buried. Today the soil have slightly hardened, together with the 3 bricks on top of the tomb.

The malay boys took some other rocks and bang against the 3 bricks. One brick broke into half. The other 2 bricks are still intact.

Why put 3 bricks on top of his tomb?

Because BitBoy’s tomb is about 3 bricks’ length. And mainly it’s because this is to prevent cats/dogs from digging the fresh and soft soil. This way the soil will be able to settle in and harden up as days goes by, while the 3 bricks on the top acts as a prevention from strays digging him up.

In the end, we placed the rocks and bricks over his tomb again.

Anyway, we will be flatting the area and removing the rocks and bricks once the soil is more or less harden up. This way, it will not be so obvious to public eyes and cause curiousity among the children.

Will update again.



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