Jason and i reached Mohd. Sultan at about 11.50pm. Supposed to meet YiWei there 12am.

Finally we had a chance to go clubbing! Dbl 0. Been seriously long long time since we step foot in one. It was really fun and enjoyable. The music was really good.

We danced a bit, and left at 4am.

Jason and YiWei got slightly drunk… or i should say they were drunk actually but surprisingly still able to walk straight and cross the road and can even communicate to each other.

They crossed the road and found a comfortable place to rest with really cosy sofas. The moment they lie on the sofa… KO!

Hahahaha. I seriously can’t believe these 2 boys. Well, i didn’t sleep off nor was i drunk. Just slightly warm cos of the Volka. But didn’t drink too much.

Rest at the sofa till about 5.30am, woke Jason up. Then i suggest to him i take a cab home, while they continue to rest.

I didn’t want them to drive and ride yet. After all it’s a Sunday. Just rest and relax.

I took a cab home. Dive into mattress…


Had some thoughts about going pubs.

Jason said “Work Hard, Play Hard.” I agree whole-heartedly.

When it’s time to play – enjoy the fun.

When it’s time to get serious – be serious.

There’s always time for many things in life.

There isn’t a need to be always doing the same old stuffs over and over and over again for YEARS! Good grief!

Some friends who are only in their late 20s are considering clubbing a very ODD thing to do and feels that they are too OLD for it.

Late 20s, and feeling too old? I always feel these people are trying too hard to be old, to be mature, and thinking that every single thing “youngsters” do are wrong. And i can’t help it but always feel they can’t wait for their age to hit the big 30.

At dbl 0, I saw some older adults too! 30+s! 40+s! And even foreigners who are in their 30s to 40s. What’s wrong with going pubs? And what’s wrong with the age about going pubs?

I can’t understand those friends seriously.

If they do not like the place, the ambience, it is understandable. But please, do not give an understatement that people who patronise such places are “doing wrong”, “youngsters”, “immature”.

Those party-goers who goes pubs to destress, relax, listen to good loud music, and they could jolly well be holding some high post in some big shot companies. Do you consider them “youngsters”, “immature”, “doing wrong”?

I must say it’s individual preferences.

Those friends must have associate pubs with those gangsters. Guess they watch too much of those Hong Kong movies. You know those clubs, and with gangsters dashing into the clubs and hitting the bottles into heads, and those gangsters will smoke and shout and act cool type? *giggles*

Basically they simply love to stir their coffees and/or tea at coffee shops. I am serious. They love to do that during the late evening, and just talk about their lives, jobs, so on.

THIS IS the acts of UNCLES, you see. They just can’t wait for the age of 40+ 50+ to sink in, so they are “practicing” at kopi-tiams first.

I remember one of them said that when he is in his 40s maybe till then he will go pubs. At 40s, that friend will have other commitments and family and perhaps aching back, sore joints, arthritic and what-not. Phew!

Do what you want to do and achieve now.

Time and tide wait for no man.


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