Collection of Transcripts & Movie

Rushed down to IGCOL at Takashimaya to collect my transcripts.

What a blunder! They shifted back to Plaza by the Park! *urgh* I made a call to Plaza by the park to enquire what time they close, and also ask for Rainy. The staff said Rainy has left for the day, and told me to come tomorrow. Just in case, the consultant’s name’s Rainy. 😀 Interesting name.

NO WAY i would go down tomorrow. I made a point to collect it today, and i want to collect it today. Besides, there are important information i need to follow-up with USQ. Rainy’s not around doesn’t mean another staff can’t help me.

So hurried down to Plaza by the Park. Thank goodness we made it before 9pm. There goes my dinner. ;-(

A staff searched for my documents, and handed them to me. I open it up, double check everything’s in it.

While i was taking my transcripts out, i can feel a yellow glowing light emitting from the transcripts. You know, like shiny gold bars. *giggles*

I am really full of joy and also feeling very peaceful. The entire feeling is undescrible.

Jason’s very excited for me, and kept reminding me to hold it properly, and file it well. It’s my entire 3+ years of effort, money, time, pressure, braincells and so on. 😀

Then we headed for bugis for dinner. So hungry! And later went to Kinokuniya. Jason bought a book, Feel good Look good from Jacelyn Tay, for me. Looks really interesting. No harm buying and read. And if there’s good tip, can learn from it. Else just a reading pleasure is just fine.

Movie time! Aiyoh! Another blunder! Bought the tickets for House of Flying Daggers, room Bugis 3. Entered the cinema… how come it’s showing I, robot?? We have watched it already!!

Came out of the room and took a good look at the ticket. Wrote : Bugis 3, I, robot.


This is the second time Bugis outlet gave us wrong tickets, even when we requested for another movie. It’s our fault too for not double checking our tickets. But usually we don’t, do we? Maybe we were careless.

As we were walking out, Jason said “Shit. Wrong movie. Wrong cinema room.”

The uncle heard us. We showed our tickets and explained to him. He said “No problem. Just go in Bugis 1 and watch. Take any seats.” “Thank you uncle! Thank you!” hehehee.


Quite a nice show with fab scenery. Interesting plot. Nothing like those matrix. Zhang Yimou’s movies are very creative and unique.


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