Gramma, gramma.

Mom went for her classes today.

Saw gramma getting up to go to the loo. Helped and walked with her to the toilet.

Because she didn’t pull her pants totally down, so I helped her. But as I wanted to help pull it further down, she panicked and sort of didn’t want me to help her. But i managed to help pull her pants down, and realised it’s wet.

It isn’t the first time.

If i didn’t touch her pants, she will just wear her pants back and walk back into the room and just sleep with a pee-ed pants.


Certainly I have to bathed and clean her up. If i didn’t realise her pants are wet, she would not tell us she wet herself. She would have just wear it back, enter the room, and sleep in her wet pants till tomorrow morning, with a dried pee-on pants.

We would be more than happy to help clean her up if she informs us she’s soiled herself. But she choose not to.

Sigh. I am mentally exhausted.

She’s my gramma, I have to do what I can for her.

If you love someone, don’t wait till tomorrow to tell him/her.
Maybe that next day will never come at all.


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