Wedding Delayed

Was preparing wedding to be early next year, but now since Jason’s uncle just passed away, we might have to delay it for a year. Meaning late next year.

Initially i was really sore and very upset about the entire delaying. Because before his uncle pass away, we were already planning and organising the hotels. I was really insensitive and unreasonable. We even quarrelled! I had the entire image in my head, and day-dream of the lovely scenarios… and suddenly, it’s *POOF*!

Was thinking of not holding a wedding dinner initially. But it’s not really what my parents want after much consideration. They said they do not want me to have something missing in life, and look back not having a proper ceremony. Many other reasons too, especially if i am/get pregnant. We discussed and I understand their concerns, and i think they are very right too.

Afterall, having a dinner early next year and later next year… won’t make much of a difference.

I was so unreasonable much earlier. To think of it now, i feel so silly.

But I am glad i sort things and feelings out.

Besides, I have more time and money to get our new house ready! When the house comes, it will be busy time, renovation, photo shoots, also preparing the wedding dinner, etc etc.

Let’s go through the usual proper customary wedding rituals, etc! 😉

Sure is going to be fun!


3 responses to “Wedding Delayed”

  1. busy lor… started work. Bo pian… but still have to keep on track with the thesis so you can imagine my juggling act. Ya, life is TOO exciting with so many deadlines! Haha even taking photograph also have to be done and ready by Tuesday cos need the corporate look photo for press conference… aiyoh. Wish we were all each $1/2 million richer then no need to chiong until liddat hor? Heheh.

  2. woah long time no log on and when I do, suddenly so much news… sorry to hear about the uncle… but i agree that pushin d wedding til end of yr easier lah… so much to prepare for n sort out… taking it slowly is better. ya, don’t be like me decorate house n everything in one month or 2 liddat so can’t really purchase what I really really want and now have to live with d stuff cos too much a waste if I go replace them all… rushing is also bad- can die from mental fatigue

  3. Hi hi! Glad to hear from you. Yeah, hope to take things slow. Although, the wedding is placed later, other things are still keeping us occupied. Geesh. Life’s so exciting! 🙂

    How are you doing?

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