Elder Uncle

Elder uncle is admitted to hospital today. He had heart problem. Felt his heart is very tight and can’t breathe. Ambulance sent him to the hospital.

Visited him in the evening. He said might have to go for operation.

This is getting so worrying.

Thought suddenly pour in. Recent 2 years, so many things have been having. Not only to myself, but my granny, jason’s side, my parents, my relatives, etc.

Seems like as I grow older, many critical things are happening more often. More important decisions to make. More challenges to face.

Unlike before, things seem so unimportant and life was so much more care-free. I used to spend countless of time on my pets. Thinking back, I feel like a freak. Now, I have cut down lots of them. I realised it’s definitely more than pets in life.

What I need is a balance. Not everything can be perfect, but I have to try.

Family importance plays a big part for me. My parents, uncles, granny are aging. Have to spend more time with them.

At this point, I am slowly moving on… Moving into another chapter of life. I think I have progressed quite a bit during these few years.

Hope to acheive another goal when the time is right.

Time and tide wait for no man.

Hope my uncle recovers soon. May health be with him.


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