My Horoscope

Very accurate indeed.


Eastern : Sheep

Western : Cancer

Thoughtful and giving, you want to leave the world a better place. There’s a good chance you perform a great deal of volunteer work, and donate a portion of your earnings to charity. Onlookers are constantly amazed by your generosity, but it comes naturally to you. You are determined to help weak and defenseless people, and will always be involved in some kind of philanthropic endeavor.

Obviously, you need to do work that involves helping others in some way. Rehabilitating criminals, teaching children with learning disabilities, or attending to the sick can give you a great deal of satisfaction. You’d also make a good psychologist, spiritual advisor, or social worker any job that allows you to comfort people in distress would appeal to you. You’re especially good at work that requires coming up with creative solutions to stubborn problems.

When taking care of everybody else’s problems becomes too much, you tend to head straight for home. You love having your family around you, and would rather spend a quiet evening in their company than go out to a big party. Cooking is probably a form of therapy for you. The kitchen is probably the busiest room in your house, because it is where you are most relaxed and happy. Although you’re very selective about the company you keep, the friends you do have are just as important as family. You like folks who are kind, caring, and considerate. Taureans, Cancerians, Librans, and Pisceans probably play significant roles in your life. As far as love is concerned, you need a partner who is in touch with their feelings. There’s a good chance your mate will be an artist of some sort.

Your greatest challenge is to emotionally separate your life from your work. People who deal in caring professions can sometimes carry great emotional burden. Hobbies and sports can help relieve stress. Your biggest strength is your willingness to help others. You can make a positive difference in many people’s lives.


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