View Houses

Today, Papa, Mami, Jason and me went to view houses.

First was the No. 68, it looks like a sail ship. Sharp sharp. Very hot and glaring. Huge panels of windows, allowing too much sunlight to enter. Very warm. Huge garden. Has a basements. $1.5M.

Then went to No. 130. Beautiful house. Lovely rooms. Squarish and huge. Has a garden. Not warm. $1.28M.

Then went to No. 4. Beautiful house. Squarish rooms. But too warm! $1. 5M. Went to the neighbor’s house too. Tripezium!

Then went to Ris Gandeur. Very nice!

Then went to Elias Terrace No. 45. Looks quite old, but it’s freehold. Quite a lot of rooms. $1.05M.


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