Popo In ICU

This morning about 6am+ mom received a call from hospital that Popo cannot wake up.

Mom went hospital on her own without calling me to get up. It’s only in the early afternoon, i know about it and rushed down.

Reached at about 2pm.

Went inside ICU to see Popo… She in bad condition. I tried to call her, and her eye balls moved and looked at me. I kept talking to her. She responded. I know.

I showed her photographs of our family photo too. Her eye balls moved.

Then a doctor came out to look for me to explain Popo’s condition.

He said she suffered from heart attack.

Then Popo also had stroke, which lead to her unable to swallow.

Then her phlegm stuck at her throat and entered her lungs.

In very bad condition.

Jason reached at about 4pm+.

We went in to visit her constantly over the hours.

Jason and I left at about 9pm.

We went Expo for a while.

Got home at 10pm+.

At 11pm, i made a call to Ward 33 to check on Popo’s condition.

Nurse mentioned that still in critical stage. I told nurse, i will call back at 2am to 3am to ask Popo’s condition.


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