Popo Critial Time

After hanging up, an hour later, at about 12am+, nurse called me up.

I really hesitated to pick the phone up. Gathered all my guts and picked it up.

Nurse said Popo in critical condition. Saying if we want to come down, we can come down now. Then she continued saying… maybe due to the late hours…. if you don’t want to come down also can, i will keep you informed over the phone.

Good grief. Nurse called me, of course i will go down regardless what time it is. No nurse will call family members if the patient is in good condition. When a nurse calls you, and ask you to make a trip down, you better go down.

I woke mom up. Have a change of clothings, and zoomed down.

Mom called uncles up and went down together.

Spoked to doctor.

After hanging around for 1 hour, it’s about 1+am, the doctor approached us and ask if we want to do a surgery on Popo.

This surgery is to insert a tube down her throat to help Popo breathe better. Her breathing is deterioting.

Doc mentioned, if we do not do the surgery, it’s 100% Popo will pass on in about 1 hours time.

If we do the surgery, it is also a risk that she might not be able to make it, but there is also a chance she can survive it.

My mom and uncles decided that this will be the last surgery, and wanted the best for her. They decided to give it a try.

Then the doctor passed the message to another doctor who is doing the surgery. However, the doctor who is doing the surgery, after analysing Popo’s report, he said it’s a No-go.

The surgery will not help Popo at all.

Ok, after battling to let Popo have a surgery or not… the doctor suggested a No-go. We thought Ok, we wanted her to have a surgery, but just that it’s not going to work for her. So we did our best.

Just then Dr Lim viewed Popo’s situation and said Popo only have about 1 hours. Ask to call whoever to come down to visit Popo for the last time.

Ah Hong uncle called his wife and kids to rush down.

We were all calling and calling for Popo. Talking to her. Asking her not to worry and to let go.

At 2am+, the monitor showed Popo no longer having heartbeat.

We were all calling out for her.

Mommy said, “Kelly and Kenneth on the way. Wait for them.”

She breathed again and heart beat started.

Finally they arrived.

She managed to hear their voices.

Popo lived another 15 to 20 mins more.

She fulfilled all her wishes, and passed on peacefully.

She passed on at 2.33am.

She was wheeled to another room. We visited her there.

We got home at 4am+. Mom called up some caskets up. Made some arrangements.

At 7.30am, we went SGH to collect Popo’s body.

At 10am, we went to casket to select coffin.

We returned SGH after selection for some paperworks.

Then we returned to Tampines. The tentage was on the process of being set up.

Then Popo arrived. We shouted Popo come back, popo come back.

Prepared for ceremony.

We stayed till quite late. Then me and Jason went Uncle’s home to take a rest.

From 9pm to 11pm, i slept awhile. Then i came down to look after again.

Jason continued to sleep.


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