Popo’s ashes and bones

At 8am, i jolted out of bed. Got a shock!

Never expect myself to sleep all the way to the next day, almost 13 hours of sleep!!!!

Good Grief!

I got a fright, in case mom didn’t call me wake up to collect Popo’s bones. Supposed to gather at Ah Hong uncle’s place at 9.30am.

Jason was also just waking up.

I rushed out to see if anyone’s around.


Mom and dad on the bed lazing for awhile.

Prepared ourselves, and left.

Went up Uncle’s place, pay respect to Popo.

Bus came.

Headed to Mandai.

A box of bones were taken out. We entered a room to take Popo’s bones.

Monk said Popo very healthy. Her bones very healthy.

We placed bones in a red cloth. Ah Khuen uncle carry Popo’s ashes and bones.

Just about to leave the place, Ah Hong uncle open umbrella to shelter Popo to the bus.

Then we said out, “Popo, going Peck San Theng now.”

Jason also said,”Popo, slowly walk.”

So sweet and kind of him.

When we reached Peck San Theng, both uncles brought Popo to rest first.

Mom, me and Jason went to select urn.

Decided to get the same urn for Popo, as what was used for Gong gong and grand Uncle.

Then, we went to a small room to put Popo’s ashes and bones in the urn. Also put some coins.

Then Monk did prayers for Popo.

Then both uncles sheltered Popo to her place.

Finally, Popo is settled down with her husband and brother in law, side by side.

This is always what she wanted.

Every year, during pay respect to ancestors, Popo will say,”That is my place.”

I am sure Popo is happy now.

We head back to AH Hong uncle house. Dropped off at Tampines Mall area.

Had lunch together.


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