Chinese New Year Day 2

Woke up early as my parents told me we will visiting my aunt (dad’s elder sister) today. But it turned out to be an afternoon event. ;-p

So me and jason and his family, went to temple again. To pray for some luck and health and for peace of mind.

Once we are done, we went to my aunt’s place. We were early, so we waited for my parents.

At my aunt house was pretty noisy and irritating, cos this kid (cousin’s son) was just simple irritating! =D My parents and them chatted and joked.

After that my parents went to Jason’s house to visit and sit-sit, talk-talk. 🙂 Then we went to the nearby coffeeshop for the Lao-Yu-Sheng. Ate LOTS!! VERY full! Good food!

Then we went to hospital to visit granny. Head home to rest! =)

Great day!!


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