Pregnancy Recordings of Bond

10 JULY 2008
Gynea checkup
CTG again. But was charged today.
BB moving a lot. Having contractions according to CTG, but i feel nothing. Hopes it gets stronger.
Dr Tan said by this week I can deliver. If bb still don’t wanna come out, on the 19th he will admit me, and induce.
BB head 9.6cm.

03 JULY 2008
Gynea checkup
See Dr Tan. Went for the CTG again.
BB moving alot. No contractions.
Dr Tan threw the CTG bill away again. =)
A student MO touched my tummy, while Dr Tan teach her.
Dr Tan is going to wait for BB to pop naturally. Dont want to induce.
BB head 9.5cm.
Think Dr Tan’s birthday is on the 17 July.

26 JUNE 2008
Gynea checkup
Went to see Dr. Tan. He briefly mentioned that the fibroid might be blocking the labor passage.
So he’s sending me to have a thorough scan at the labor ward.
Went to the labor ward. Mrs Cho scanned me. It was a very thorough scan.
Been a long long time since I seen my son in such a detailed manner.
Mrs Cho then said, “It’s a boy, right?” Hehe, Jason and I finally confirmed it’s a boy.
It’s only the second time that we heard it’s a BOY.
She checked very thing very well, and even explained to us what it was.
Scanned for the fibroid, it’s on my left upper side. It didn’t obstruct the birth passage at.
Brought the results down to Dr Tan to check. He also said most likely no problem to have natural delivery!
FINALLY we know the weight – 2721.11 which is ~2.7kg!
Dr Tan threw away the scanning bill.
Jason and I are really very happy.

16 JUNE 2008
Gynea checkup
Dr Tan checked my tummy. Head’s still down. YEAH~!
He used his clinic’s machine to see don’t-know-what, and asked me if I feel tightening.
Don’t know what is “tightening”, so I asked if he’s asking I feel tightening, or the baby feel tightening? He kept quiet.
Then he sent me upstairs, labor ward to check baby’s heartbeat and my contractions.
True enough, I really got mild contractions.
Returned to Dr Tan’s clinic. He said everything ok. He won’t be inducing me.
I asked if I got chance of natural delivery, He said he won’t make any decision now.
Because the fibroid is at the lower back of the uterus. So he won’t know if BB is able to squeeze through that fibroid or not.
I believe my darling son is able to do squeeze through it. Love him to pieces. 🙂

26 MAY 2008
Gynea checkup
Routine checkup by Dr. Tan.
Was very nervous to know where’s baby’s head. For 3 months, baby’s head was on the top right side.
He put the scanner on the center of my lower belly, and I saw a HUGE round “thing”. Really HUGE.
At once, in my mind, I thought it’s my fibroid.
But nope, it’s not. It’s baby’s HEAD!! YEAHHH!!! Baby finally turned down.
Checked his head, spine, bladder, legs, heartbeat. All doing excellent.
Asked Dr.Tan if I might have a chance for natural delivery? He said “Yes.”
YEAHHHHH!!! lalallaaaaa.
Will be seeing Dr. Tan in 3 weeks’ time. No more 4 weeks’ time.

28 APRIL 2008
Gynea checkup
Baby head still on the right top side.
Routine checkup by Dr. Tan.

31 MARCH 2008
Gynea checkup
Routine checkup by Dr. Tan.
Baby head still on the right top side.
Asked about the cost of delivery. He said normal delivery about $2k. C-section about $4k.
Also said not necessary to have cord blood stored.
I asked about the fibroid’s size, Dr. Tan said don’t worry about it. He didn’t even check for it.

03 MARCH 2008
Gynea checkup
Went to the ultrasound to scan the gender. VERY nervous.
Baby head on the right top side.
Ultrasonist took her time to scan, and check the head, legs, hands, organs, etc if they are normal.
She took quite long to tell us the gender. It’s a BOY!
Saw baby’s hands stretching. Cute~!
Dr. Tan said everything is normal.

04 FEBURARY 2008
Gynea checkup
Dr. Tan said “do nothing to fibroid. leave it.” And he carried on scanning for baby.
Baby is swimming. Hands are moving.
So cute.
Took the detailed scanning tests. Took 5 bottles of blood.
Nurse couldn’t find my vein, tried once to poke, cannot find. Tried again, still cannot.
So took me to another department to ask another nurse to do it for me.

16 JANUARY 2008
Pee cannot come out again. But didn’t last too long.

14 JANUARY 2008
Pee cannot come out. 2.44AM to 3.21AM.

05 JANUARY 2008
Gynea checkup
Baby is 6cm.
Fibroid is about 8cm.
Went to see Dr Tan. Still cramping.

04 JANUARY 2008
Having cramps the entire day.
Called Dr Tan. Scheduled appt tomorrow.

03 JANUARY 2008
Having cramps at lower left abdominal.

24 DECEMBER 2007
Gynea checkup
Baby is 4cm.
Fibroid is 9cm.

26 NOVEMBER 2007
Gynea checkup
Baby is 6mm / 0.6cm.
Fibroid is 7cm.

15 NOVEMBER 2007
Gynea checkup
First pregnancy checkup with Dr. Tan.

24 OCTOBER 2007

23 OCTOBER 2007
Baby Dance

11 OCTOBER 2007
Last Menstruation.


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