
Ok, i need to add this.

I have an assignment due on the 26th May. I know there’s a bit time to it. However, i wish to complete it on the 18th May.


Because my stupid exams is on the 18th June! I thought I give myself 1 month’s time to revise this unit and get over and done with it once and for all.

Initially i was really procastinating a lot. Then i really wanna get started with it and i did!

However, the questions are killers! And i have got NO ONE to ask! It’s a dread to look at the darn case study seriously! I wish i have someone whom i can ask, regardless he/she knows or not! At least i get some idea what the person might feel about the questions! BUT! No one. Sheeeesh!!

It’s a sting in the ass seriously!

Getting back to it now that I have made quite a lot of noise here….


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