May sickness

Bond has been ill very often in May.

On the 19th thursday he had fever and i brought him to see the doctor. Dr Sabrina Lim prescribed some medicine for him.

On saturday brought him to the clinic again as he still had mild fever. Dr Hiak said it is normal and to continue with the medicine.

On sunday i went to the clinic again to buy more medicine as it was spilled often and little was left.

On 28th may we went to pick my mom up for dinner after her work. Around 9pm bond started to cling to me. I felt his boy temperature a bit warm. Got home i used the thermometer his temp was fine. But i gave panadol just in case.

On 29th he had fever. See Dr Hiak. Suspected urine tract infection. Took med. At night bond started trembling and fever returned and shot up to 39.2 deg c. Rushed to KKH. Seen the doctor immediately. Examined him. Gave glucose water. Monitored him. Fever came down.

On 31st see Dr Hiak again. Bond complained about pain in his mouth yesterday. But i thought his mouth hurts due to the nurse squeezing his mouth to make him eat panadol suring his kkh trip. But today he was in so much pain and drooling and lost appetite. Dr Hiak gave a small bottle of medicine to numb the ulcer in mouth.

No school for him till he fully recovers.

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