BitBoy’s Visit to Vet

BitBoy’s Visit to Vet on the 27th May 2004

Took a cab down. Brought him into the clinic. No one was around. I waited for awhile, registered him, and went into the room.

Dr Soh Li Ming attended to BitBoy.

She was very thorough with BitBoy.

During the entire check up, I was very nervous. I might have forgotten some niffy gritty stuffs.

Checked his entire body thorough, touched everywhere.

Switched off the lights to look into his eyes.

Then plucked some of his fur to check. FUR MITES! BitBoy has got fur mites!

I looked into the microscope, and was really disgusted with them. Dr Soh showed me how to spot for fur mites in his body.

It’s visible to naked eyes, but it’s only a tiny small dot. Like this full stop > .

Then she asked if my area was having construction. Yes! The lift upgrading! 🙁

Then she said it could be due to the fur mites which is causing the irritation on his eyes.

Then i asked her to check his teeth. OVERGROWN back teeth again! He has the same issue one year ago when he had his abcess!

Dr Soh also said it could be due to his overgrown teeth too.

Then also a possibility of blocked tear duct.

However, she is hoping it’s the fur mites and/or irritated eyes. So she gave me anti botics for eyes lotion.

And revolution for the fur mites.

As for blocked tear duct and overgrown teeth, BitBoy need to be anesthesia. Which is risky.

BitBoy weighs 1.58KG. Slightly underweight.

Dr Soh said BitBoy has lived above the average age of rabbits which is 6 years old.

BitBoy is already 7.5 yrs old. He was given to me by XueHui in Jan 1997, around CNY time.

My medicine:
– Revolution $54
– Eye lotion $17
– Critical Care for Herbivores $21

– Consultation $31

Total bill : $123.00

After discount : $120.00

I hope he recovers soon and live longer!

After my exams, i will bring him to Dr Ling/Chan if possible to check up.


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